زحل في برج القوس SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS

كل ما فيه اختيار الوقت للبدأ في الاعمال
قوانين المنتدى
تنبيه : هذا القسم خاصا بمواضيع ودروس تنجيم الاختيارات والاوقات المسمىElectional astrology وليس للاسئلة العامة التي يطرحها الاعضاء .
واما الاسئلة العامة التي يطرحها الاعضاء فتوضع في قسمها الخاص : قسم الطلبات _ هنا _ .
الرجاء من جميع الاعضاء الانتباه عند وضع طلباتهم حتى لا يتشوه هذا القسم الخاص بالاختيارات والاوقات .
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2691
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

زحل في برج القوس SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

Mercury Retrograde 2015 Plus Crises Lunations


JANUARY 21 – FEBRUARY 11; MAY 18-19 – JUNE 11-12; SEPTEMBER 17 – OCTOBER 9 2015
(the change date depends upon your time zone)

The traditional statement about Mercury retrograde is that it favors anything that begins with the prefix “re-” — re-negotiate, re-vamp, re-new, re-vise, return, re-issue, re-visit, re-finance because the word retrograde itself means “to go back and retrace one’s steps.”
Many people call me about how to handle the decision-making process while Mercury is retrograde. Always, decisions should only be made on contingency! With the element of flexibility added to any change or decision, there seems to be some guarantee of success. This period also favors finishing up work or returning to complete a project. This motion can provide new insights into the material. It favors re-considering prior decisions and getting others to change their minds about a previously-made decision. Precision is always disrupted by a retrograde Mercury. Going with the flow, keeping options open, using contingency methods and intuitively processing as you go along seem to give the flexibility needed to avoid Retrograde Mishaps.
Most of the time, Mercury retrograde is about as welcome as a tax audit! The left hemisphere of the brain is out to lunch, nothing works when you want it to, and nothing turns out as planned. Generally speaking, this is not a time to make any major commitments or sign any contracts or papers because you will change your mind. It is not a time to place any importance in the decisions or commitments of others since they, too, will change their minds. Sign agreements only on contingency! All changes are subject to delays, last-minute postponements or mix-ups.
This is a bad time to obtain a medical diagnosis or visit a doctor for the first time. You may not be able to obtain an accurate diagnosis until Mercury turns direct. It is better for a later diagnosis. In 2004, I was quite ill and no diagnosis during Mercury retrograde was accurate.
General repairs are not favored when Mercury is retrograde and these frequently have to be done over again. Never purchase anything associated with transportation or communication – such as a car, a bicycle, tape recorder, TV or even shoes. Such purchases will not last long or they will be plagued with malfunctions – if they work at all!
When Mercury is retrograde and afflicting another transiting planet, this causes major communication and decision-making errors in judgment. It is not a time to travel and, when driving your self, exercise great caution. People are more inclined to be accident prone.

NOTE: I started an IAA course when Mercury was Retrograde. Due to storms in my area and the area of the students, some of the classes was canceled and rescheduled. All turned out well as I always choose a good date astrologically.


Crisis Lunation periods occurs when, at the time that the Moon is New or Full, the Moon is physically very close to the earth. This closeness-lunation parallel will amplify our emotional reactions, bringing matters to a crisis point. This Crisis Moon period usually begins about one week before the New/Full Moon and lasts several days afterward. I find that you are only affected by one of the Crisis Moon periods, usually one that falls close to a natal planet.

When a crisis arises, my advice is always to “stay calm, relax and make no impulsive decisions for at least a week.” The most critical are eclipses. The most potent occurred on April 15, 1995, because it occurred at the time of a Lunar Eclipse. Of course, the event it portended was the Oklahoma City bombing as the Eclipse fell on the ASC/DESC axis over that city. The WTC/Pentagon attack occurred within a wide orb of a Crisis Lunation. The US invaded Iraq on a Crisis Full Moon in March 2003.
I remember one example – a father called about his daughter who had run away from home about 4 days before the CFM. I told him what was occurring and that he should wait for about a week and she would likely return home….and she did. After the effects of the CFM were over, she became rational again. Hormones and a CFM are not a good mix!
During the year, there are generally 4 Crisis New Moons and 4 Crisis Full Moons. There is usually only ONE of these CFMs that hits you — generally, not all of them …. and you cannot always tell which one it is going to be.
When it hits, you go crazy and your emotions are magnified. But, when the Moon begins to move away from the earth, we calm down. I am a Virgo so a rational explanation is very satisfying for me. If I know that I am feeling this way because of some astrological/astronomical configuration, it makes it seem OK and I feel much better.

I first noticed this lunation in the early 1970s when my grandfather was in a nursing home. I saw that there were certain lunations in which the patients, called the Walkers, would pace more than usual. At that time, all I had was the Farmers Almanac to determine what was going on with the Moon. At first, I only used the Full Moon. Many years later, I saw that another astrologer, Richard Nolle, used the Perigee New Moon…and he is absolutely correct. These work the same.


NEW MOON: January 20, February 18, March 20 (Solar Eclipse) and April 18

FULL MOON: August 29, September 28 (Lunar Eclipse), and October 27
NEW PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: Full Moon: The Full Moon of July 3 2012 was 2 days away from perigee. It seemed like the worst Crises Lunation to me with the horrible storm, loss of power and the loss of my beautiful Yard Tractor when a huge tree fell on it, crushing all but the headlights.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: On April 25 2013, the Perigee Moon occurred at the time of the lunar eclipse. This has been a terrible time with fires, explosions and political crises. Around May 25, another eclipse, bridges collapsed and earthquakes brought destruction. Personally, I have had health issues around these eclipses and mechanical problems – a DVD got stuck in my TV with a DVD combo and then a CD got stuck in my car CD player (at least, the car is still on warranty).

Full Moon: I have been experiencing endocrine-related health issues since last November (2012). After finding a wonderful doctor and feeling much improved, the July 20 2013 Full Moon brought a big-time relapse for reasons I do not understand. It could have been stress-related – the impending county fair, a friend visiting, and NCGR conference – but I improved by August 13.

Full Moon: The Full Moon Crises Lunation of August 21 2013 was the one that hit me with a vengeance. I am a very cautious driver and, on the 20th, despite wonderful transits and progressions in my chart for this period, I had a very bad accident pulling out of the visitors’ center in Wildwood New Jersey. I was so cautious pulling out because the road visibility was poor. A truck filled with young people, who were obviously speeding, hit my car. If the good aspects helped, the worse did not happen. We were fine, no damage to the truck (the driver claimed I did all kinds of damage but I clued the insurance company of what he was trying to pull and I had photos to prove my point), and the kind folks at the visitors’ center came out and helped tie the bumper back onto the car so that I could continue my trip. Everyone was so kind there. I learned on this trip that any visitors’ center can arrange discount rooms.

The Perigee Full Moon on June 13 2014 occurred with Mercury R. My little cat, Nosey, became very will with a respiratory disorder. With Mercury R, I finally left her with the Vet on the 3rd visit, since she was not improving. I worry so much about my cats so it was definitely a crisis for me.

2015 Retrograde Planets & Stations:
http://fuchsiastars.blogspot.com/2014/1 ... tions.html

Filed in Retrogrades 2015
 تنبيه مهم : عليك ان تقرأ الشروط عند تقديم اي طلب جديد والا سيتم حذف موضوعك •• اقرأ الشروط ••

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2691
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

زحل في برج القوس SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

Jupiter retrograde 2015

✭ JUPITER TURNS RETROGRADE – December 8 2014 through April 8 2015 ✭

When Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. It is an excellent time to get in touch with personal integrity. Jupiter rules role playing in order evoke a positive external reaction. When transiting Jupiter is afflicting natal planets, you will find yourself dealing with phoniness in both yourself and others. When Jupiter is retrograde, you should evaluate how you are not being honest with yourself because you are playing a role that is disloyal to your true self. When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past.

Jupiter retrograde is more spiritual and philosophical so it is a time to explore philosophies, possibly something simpler from a time in your past. According to Delphine Jay, this period may produce an event that reminds you of a time when you had a better perspective on life. She furthermore feels that it is an excellent time to complete Jupitarian projects such as going back to school to complete your education, taking a long distance trip that you have postponed, and making a connection with a long lost friendship. It is a good time to take spiritual or philosophical courses with the objective of gaining a better perspective on life.

Because of the spiritual approach to this Jupiter transit, it is not a time to initiate material activities. A business which starts while Jupiter is retrograde will find that much of the business is connected with altruistic and charitable concerns and good causes. Too much help is given for which the company will not receive payment. Obviously, it is excellent for initiating a humanitarian or fund-raising project.

In my chart interpretation, I use the key phrase for the House-position of Jupiter retrograde that it is an area wherein you are able to restore to life things or relationships that are considered dead or dying. Jupiter natally retrograde in the 2nd and 4th House is good for restoring objects or property for resale. It is good for restoring troubled relationships ruled by the various houses. Therefore, it can be assumed that, when Jupiter is transiting retrograde, it is a good time to restore any project or relationship that is failing.

I consider Jupiter to be the relating principle in a chart – how we reach out and connect with others and what we relate to most easily. During the retrograde cycle, make the effort to revive that which is failing as ruled by the House-position of the transiting retrograde. Make the effort to go back and make the connection.


+ December 31 2014 – January 2 2015: Jupiter R in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius warning against over-reacting to what you perceive as unjust or unfair. Your reaction may be one of contrariness and rebellion. Do not “shoot yourself in the foot” by some reckless reaction.

+ January 19-20 2015: Venus opposes Jupiter and, while a minor aspect, it warns against over-eating and over-spending.

Filed in Retrogrades 2015

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9097
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

زحل في برج القوس SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS

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الاخت ياسمين باركتك روح الحياة
مواضيع مهمة هذه التي اضفتيها
اضافات رائعة وجميلة
وبارك الله بحجي جوجل المترجم الفوري هههه
شكرا لك
لكن لدي تنبيه لطيف اذا كان النص انجليزي يمكن ان تختاري ليفت في المحرر تجدينها ليظهر النص من اليسار كما في الانجليزية
شكرا لك

¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 712
اشترك في: الجمعة 19-9-2014 11:43 am
الجنس: انثى

زحل في برج القوس SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS

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شكرًا لكم والدي الطيب و سيدتي ياسمين

تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة، اللهم بشرني و أفرحني و ارزقني ما اتمناه آمين يا الله
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