سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

كل ما لا يخص علم التنجيم الاستوائي من هندي وصيني ومايا وامم اخرى
قوانين المنتدى
• تنبيه : هذا قسم خاص لمواضيع التنجيم الهندي والصيني والمايا وكذا الامم الاخرى وليس للتنجيم الاستوائي الذي نستخدمه نحن عادة في منتدياتنا.
صورة العضو الرمزية
كمال احديدو
مراقب عام
مراقب عام
مشاركات: 2001
اشترك في: الأربعاء 9-4-2014 9:32 am
البرج: الجوزاء
الجنس: ذكر

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة كمال احديدو »

سلام الله عليكم جميعا
اخوتي واخواتي واساتذتي من منكم لديه دراية في التنجيم الهندي يساعدني في هذه الأسئلة.
في المعلوم أن التنجيم الهندي يركزون على خمسة عوامل في اختياراتهم لبدء أعمالهم وهي كالتالي:
1- يوم الاسبوع وهويرمز للعنصر الناري.
2- التاكشاتر (المنزلة) وهو يرمز للعنصر الهوائي.
3- التيثي وهو اليوم القمري وهو يرمز للعنصر المائي.
4- الكاران كاولافا وهو منتصف اليوم القمري وهو يرمز للعنصر الترابي.
5- اليوغا غاندا وهو يعتمد على قياس المسافة بين القمر والشمس وهو يرمز للعنصر الاثيري.

وسؤالي هو كيف أحدد أصحاب هذه العوامل من الكواكب أو الطوالع لكي ننظر مدى قوته وسعادتها. مثلا صاحب يوم الاسبوع هذا بين الاثنين للقمر و....أما العوامل الأخرى فلا أتمكن من معرفتها لذا المرجو منكم التوضيح أو أمثلة.
وجزاكم الله كل خير
 تنبيه مهم : عليك ان تقرأ الشروط عند تقديم اي طلب جديد والا سيتم حذف موضوعك •• اقرأ الشروط ••

تبــــــاركت أيـــــها الـــــــــــــــــــــــــرب القـــــــدوس
( من الجهالة والضلالة أن نحول الاعتقاد إلى إيمان عندما يكون المعتقد مجرد افتراض وليس حقيقة)
صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 1356
اشترك في: الأحد 25-8-2013 4:19 pm
البرج: الجوزاء
الجنس: انثى

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة Gemini »

اعتقد الست ياسمين لها درايه في التنجيم الهندي

تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9103
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

سلام ودعاء ومحبة
اهلا بك اخي كمال

بقدر الجهد اقول وفق تسلسل سؤالك اخي كمال
1- يوم الاسبوع وهويرمز للعنصر الناري.
وهذا قد اجبته انت فكل كوكب له يوم كما هو الحال المشهور

2- التاكشاتر (المنزلة) وهو يرمز للعنصر الهوائي.

التنجيم الهندي يستخدم نظام sidereal للمنازل وفق نظام 27 ونظام 28 منزلة والمشهور عندهم والمعمول به هو 27 منزلة.
ويوجد في زيت اختيار طريقة حساب المنزلة استوائية ام هندية
وهذه كل منزلة وما ينسب لها من كوكب

1 شرطين للراس

2 بطين للزهرة

3 ثريا للشمس

4 دبران للقمر

5 هقعة للمريخ

6 هنعة للذنب

7 ذراع للمشتري

8 نثرة لزحل

9 طرفة لعطارد

10 جبهة للراس

11 زبرة للزهرة

12 صرفة للشمس

13 عوا للقمر

14 سماك للمريخ

15 غفر للذنب

16 زبانا للمشتري

17 اكليل زحل

18 قلب عطارد

19 شولة للراس

20 نعايم للزهرة

21 بلدة للشمس

22 بلع للقمر

23 سعود للمريخ

24 اخبية للراس

25 مقدم للمشتري

26 مؤخر للزحل

27 رشا للعطارد

من هذه النسبة تعرف سعادتها من نحوستها
اما معرفة اعضاء الجسم لها فهذا يعرف من تقسيمهم لها اذ قسموا الاعضاء وفق تقسيم هذه المنازل .

وهذه صورة اسماء المنازل الهندية وفق ابراجها
منازل القمر.JPG
المنازل الهندية
منازل القمر.JPG (74.54 KiB) تمت المشاهدة 3976 مرةً
المنازل الهندية
المنازل الهندية
منازل القمر.JPG (74.54 KiB) تمت المشاهدة 3976 مرةً
هذا من حيث المنازل وسوف نكمل بعد نظر الاخت ياسمين فهي لديها أيضاً اطلاع وقرائة
واهلا بك وحفظتك روح التكوين بسر وجودها

¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

السلام عليكم اخي كمال
بالنسبه لسؤالك فضيلة المحسن امد الله في عمره
قد احسن واجاد وفصل
ربما جوابي يساعدك قليلا واذا هناك اي سؤال اخر
فانا على استعداد قدر بما لدي من معلومات
آخر تعديل بواسطة yasmeen في الاثنين 2-11-2015 5:05 am، تم التعديل مرتين في المجمل.

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

وهذا شرح للقيام بالاعمال اليوميه لايام الاسبوع
لا اعلم هل لك درايه باللغه الانجليزيه ام لا
على كل حال ساقوم بترجمته اليوم واضع الرد مباشره
هذا الشرخ للبروفيسور ايورؤيدا وهو رئيس
المجلس التنسيقي للجمعيه لعلم التنجيم والعلوم

Ayurveda: the Divine Science
The Days of the Week
Prof. K. K. Bhaumik, Chairman of Coordinating Council of Association of Astrology & Allied Sciences, discusses the traditional ayurvedic Indian views on the days of the week, their rulerships and most auspicious activities for a given day. As in Western traditional culture, which is based in astrology, each day (and even each hour) has a planetary ruler by which some activities are favoured and some are not. Read on now to gain a new perspective on the days of the week...
Since our childhood, most of us in India are perpetually being warned by our elders, especially our mothers and grandmothers, against undertaking any journey on a Thursday. Travelling on Thursdays, they say, will never yield the desired result for which the journey is undertaken. Similarly, many other human activities are also advised against on certain days of the week. Many amongst us often rubbish the traditional advice of our mothers and grandmothers as superstitions.
This refusal to heed traditional advice often leads to great peril, failure and frustration.
Indians, since time immemorial, have for generations believed that each day of a week is ruled, controlled and governed by a particular planet or deity. The controlling deity or planet of that particular day lends a natural support or benevolent influence for activities of a particular nature. All activities of a relevant nature undertaken on the day on which the ruling deity or planet lends its natural support are likely to be successful. But activities for which the ruling deity or the planet of the day does not lend its support run a high risk of ending in fiasco.



For example, Sunday is the day of the Sun and is ruled by Surya the Sun God. The influence of the Sun on Sunday is naturally very high; the ruling star of the day, therefore, lends its benevolent support for all activities related to celebrations and community efforts. It is the day to offer prayers of gratitude to Mother Earth and a day for women to celebrate their womanhood. Indians have traditionally undertaken activities such as grinding grains and seeds on Sundays. An excellent day to undertake journeys, Sunday is also an extremely conducive day on which to resolve old disputes. Sunday, being a day for celebration, is the most suitable day to feed and entertain friends and family.

Pink and maroon colours are best suited for this day. Keeping maroon and pink flowers at home on Sundays will yield good results. If one wears pink or maroon clothes on Sundays one can make friends easily and will enhance one's personality. It is the day which is most suitable to initiate discussions and negotiations about new projects with government officials. Consumption of mungdal and bel fruit on Sunday is strongly recommended.

Commercial activities, such as selling products, however, are strongly advised against on Sundays. Sunday is also not considered a favourable day for entering a new house, undertaking any kind of heavy activities, or for quarrelling. All earning-related activities too should be eschewed on Sundays.


Lord Shiva, Teacher of Wisdom
Lord Shiva, Teacher of Wisdom
Lord Shiva rules on Mondays. The cosmic teacher of wisdom and destroyer of all evils in the universe showers his benign blessings on activities undertaken on Monday – the day on which his influence is at its peak. The day is favourable for beginning a new career, agricultural planting, gardening and for initiating any kind of finance-related activities.

Considered as the most invigorating of all the days in the week, negative possibilities and influences are easily thwarted. Monday, therefore, is an ideal day to enter new houses, make marital arrangements, and for betting and sport-related activities. Monday is also a suitable day for seeking medical help and suggestions. In fact, there are barely any activities which are disallowed on Mondays.
White is the colour for Mondays and therefore wearing white dresses and keeping white flowers at home are recommended on Mondays. It is a good day for men seeking favours from women and for making new friends. Taking honey and cucumber on Mondays is likely to yield good results.


Lord Kartikeya, Defeats Enemies
Lord Kartikeya, Defeats Enemies
The planet Mars and Kartikeya, the warrior son of Goddess Durga, rule supreme on Tuesdays, showering Mangala, the universal divine blessing for success in any domain of human activity. Armed with divine blessings for success, human beings may fearlessly take steps to defeat enemies on Tuesdays. Tuesday is an auspicious day to undertake animal husbandry related activities, especially cows and bulls, and to wage a crusade against evil. Activities involving the use of weapons and fire are, however, prohibited on Tuesdays.

Red being the most suitable colour for Tuesdays, wearing red clothes and keeping red flowers at home on the day may prove to be good. Men shall be courageous on the day and Tuesdays are the most suitable days to settle long-standing issues with the police and army. Direct discussions and meetings with police and army personnel on Tuesdays can be fruitful. Administrative and hard laborious work should be undertaken on Tuesdays. All impediments will melt if grilled black bringals and potatoes are eaten on Tuesdays.


Rulers, politicians, artists and intellectuals can expect an excellent day on Wednesday. Ruled by Mercury, the day is most suitable for activities involving cerebral faculties, banking, finance, crop and grain trading and the acquisition of wealth. Wednesday is ideal for romance.

All activities requiring cerebral input and intellectual faculties are recommended on Wednesdays, as the influences of Budh, the planet that ensures buddhi (intelligence) and Lord Vishnu, the ruling deity of Wednesday, are very perceptible on the day. Quarrelling at the place of work, beginning new ventures and sexual cohabitation without the intention of conception are some of the major activities that are strongly prohibited on Wednesday as the day is charged with natural volatility.

Short journeys, if undertaken in the early morning on Wednesdays, would ensure success. The day is ideal for planting trees, as green is the colour of the day. Keeping green plants at home, wearing green clothes and eating beans and gota mungdal on Wednesday would ensure good effects.


Though travelling is virtually a taboo on Thursdays, efforts to retrieve lost wealth and articles are expected to succeed if undertaken on Thursdays. Thursday is the day when the benign blessings of Goddess Lakshmi rain down on earth. The day is ruled by Jupiter, which is considered as the Guru (preceptor) of the Gods. It is the best day in the week to begin any educational efforts and ventures, being the ideal day to show reverence and offer gratitude and compensation to our teachers and all those from whom we learn or gain knowledge in some way or the other. It is the most auspicious day to visit temples and receive divine blessings.

Thursday is an excellent day to join any educational institute or to begin any academic pursuits; such activities should, however, be undertaken in the first half of the day. It is a day to visit temples and receiving blessings from our elders. Wearing yellow or off-white clothes, keeping yellow or off-white flowers at home and eating arhar dal, papaya and rice with ghee on Thursdays may bring in good results.


Shukra (Venus) and Bhubaneshwari Devi rule Friday and promise success, especially to women. Happiness permeates the day. Friendship blossoms and effortless gains are natural events of the day.

Most suitable for the purchase of new vehicles, Friday is also a good day for medical treatments of serious illness, as the healing energies are most active on the day. Also a suitable day to begin any kind of charitable work, Friday augurs well for anyone travelling.

It is a day for purchasing jewellery, precious stones, ornaments and new houses. Paneer and other milk products are the staple food of the day. Very light blue or white are the colours of the day.


If you are besieged by nagging interminable legal problems, launch an all out effort to resolve the problem on Saturdays. Chances are that the problem will get resolved once and for all. Contrary to the popular belief, Saturday, ruled by Shani or Saturn, is a spiritual day when people should fast, undertake pious activities and shun all kinds of luxuries.

The day also supports financial gains and career advancements and is a good day for purchasing food staples, or horses. It is the best day for digging earth for making wells. Goddess Dakshina Kali being the ruling deity of the day, Saturday is a good day to combat negative forces.

There are many instances of big successes achieved on Saturdays. Any work initiated in the first half on Saturday carries a high possibility of success. Shani, the ruling deity of Saturday, is considered an extremely pious figure; anyone leading a pious lifestyle on the day, bereft of luxuries, eating sesame seed paste and grilled black brinjal, keeping purple flowers at home and wearing black clothes, is likely to receive success and blessings of Shani or Saturn.

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
صورة العضو الرمزية
كمال احديدو
مراقب عام
مراقب عام
مشاركات: 2001
اشترك في: الأربعاء 9-4-2014 9:32 am
البرج: الجوزاء
الجنس: ذكر

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة كمال احديدو »

سلام الله عليكم
أستاذي المحسن اختي ياسمين احفظكما النور وزادكم نورا وعلما نافعاً.
أختي ياسمين لا تعدبي نفسك في ترجمة النص لأن سؤالي ليس هو مقصود الأعمال بل كيف نعرف صاحب أو رب هذه العلامات كما بين فضيلته أعلاه. مثلا بين لنا ان صاحب منزلة دبران هو القمر وهكذا أريد أصحاب علامات الأخرى وبالخصوص عنصر الاثيري لأنه يرمز التناغم لذايجب تقوية وسعادة صاحبه لأن أغلب ما نحتاجه في أعمالنا هو التناغم والانسجام.
المهم بارك الله فيكما مقدمة جميلة والاتي أجمل بحول الله.

تبــــــاركت أيـــــها الـــــــــــــــــــــــــرب القـــــــدوس
( من الجهالة والضلالة أن نحول الاعتقاد إلى إيمان عندما يكون المعتقد مجرد افتراض وليس حقيقة)
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

فضيلته اطال الله عمره وضح هذه الايام
وقد وجدت رب كل واحد منهم كما كلبت اخي كمال
ارجو ان اكون قد وفقت بالاجابه الان

اذا كان هذا ما تريده ساكمل الترجمه

1 شرطين للراس - ويحكمه كيتو (الذنب)
يحكمه كيتو (الذنب) ٠٠ الى ١٣.٢٠ من الحمل
واربعة الارباع يحكمهم المريخ والزهره وعطارد والقمر

2 بطين للزهرة - ويحكمه الزهره
ويحكمه الزهره ١٣.٢٠ الى ٢٦.٤٠٢ من الحمل
واربعة الارباع يحكمهم الشمس وعطارد والزهره والمريخ

3 ثريا للشمس - يحكمه الشمس ٢٦.٤٠ الى ٤٠.٠٠ من الثور
واربعة الارباع يحكمهم المشتري وزحل وزحل والمشتري

4 دبران للقمر - يحكمه القمر ٤٠ الى ٥٣.٢٠
٢٣.٢٠ الى ١٠.٠٠ الثور
واربعة الارباع يحكمهم المريخ والزهره وعطلؤد والقمر

5 هقعة للمريخ - يحكمه المريخ ٦٦.٤٠ الى ٥٣.٢٠
٢٣.٢٠ ثور الى ٦.٤٠ جوزاء
واربعة الارباع حاكمهم الشمس وعطارد والزهره والمريخ

6 هنعة للذنب - ويحكمه راهو (الراس) ٦٦.٤٠ الى ٨٠.٠٠
٦.٤٠ الى ٢٠.٠٠ جوزاء
واربعة الارباع حاكمهم المشتري وزحل وزحل والمشتري

7 ذراع للمشتري

8 نثرة لزحل

9 طرفة لعطارد

10 جبهة للراس

11 زبرة للزهرة

12 صرفة للشمس

13 عوا للقمر

14 سماك للمريخ

15 غفر للذنب

16 زبانا للمشتري

17 اكليل زحل

18 قلب عطارد

19 شولة للراس

20 نعايم للزهرة

21 بلدة للشمس

22 بلع للقمر

23 سعود للمريخ

24 اخبية للراس

25 مقدم للمشتري

26 مؤخر للزحل

27 رشا للعطارد

اذا كان هذا ما تريده ساكمل الترجمه

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

وهذا حاكم لكل يوم
كما تفضل فضيلته
ارجو ان اكون قد وفقت للمساعده

2- التاكشاتر (المنزلة) وهو يرمز للعنصر الهوائي.

التنجيم الهندي يستخدم نظام sidereal للمنازل وفق نظام 27 ونظام 28 منزلة والمشهور عندهم والمعمول به هو 27 منزلة.
ويوجد في زيت اختيار طريقة حساب المنزلة استوائية ام هندية
وهذه كل منزلة وما ينسب لها من كوكب

1 شرطين للراس يحكمه كيتو (الذنب)

2 بطين للزهرة يحكمه الزهره ترابي

3 ثريا للشمس يحكمه الشمس ناري

4 دبران للقمر يحكمه القمر مائي

5 هقعة للمريخ يحكمه المريخ ناري

6 هنعة للذنب يحكمه راهو (الراس)

7 ذراع للمشتري يحكمه المشتري

8 نثرة لزحل يحكمه زحل

9 طرفة لعطارد يحكمه عطارد

10 جبهة للراس يحكمه كيتو (الذنب)

11 زبرة للزهرة يحكمه الزهره

12 صرفة للشمس يحكمه الشمس

13 عوا للقمر يحكمه القمر

14 سماك للمريخ يحكمه المريخ

15 غفر للذنب يحكمه راهو (الراس)

16 زبانا للمشتري يحكمه المشتري

17 اكليل زحل يحكمه زحل

18 قلب عطارد يحكمه عطارد

19 شولة للراس يحكمه كيتو (الذنب)

20 نعايم للزهرة يحكمه الزهره

21 بلدة للشمس يحكمه الشمس

22 بلع للقمر يحكمه القمر

23 سعود للمريخ يحكمه المريخ

24 اخبية للراس يحكمه راهو (الراس)

25 مقدم للمشتري يحكمه المشتري

26 مؤخر للزحل يحكمه زحل

27 رشا للعطارد يحكمه عطارد

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علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
اللحظات بمفردي
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
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مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9103
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

سؤال في إختيارات التنجيم الهندي

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

سلام ومحبة
اشكر الاخت ياسمين على تفاعلها الكبير

اخي كمال بالنسبة للنقطة الثالثة من حيث ايام القمر فهناك نسبة يقومون بها الهنود وفق جدول
مثلا يوم 11 قمري وكذا وكذا هو ليوم الاثنين وبرج كذا وهكذا ساروا بها
وسوف اضع مختصرا لنص انجليزي ممكن تترجمه الاخت ياسمين للفائة العامة
وهو واضح لمن يفهم التنجيم الهندي وتسمياته النص يقول :

[left]On Certain Special Yogas

When a certain weekday coincides with a certain asterism and a certain lunar day, it becomes specialty auspicious for good work. In this Chapter, I shall give a few such special combinations which go under the special distinction of Siddha Yogas.

Sunday coinciding with the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th or 12th lunar day and ruled by the constellations Pushya, Hasta, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Moola, Sravana or Uttarabhadra gives rise to Siddha Yoga.

Monday identical with the 2nd, 7th or 12th lunar day and with the constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Chitta, Sravana, Satabhisha, Dhanishta or Poorvabhadra produces the same yoga.

Tuesday falling on a day ruled by Aswini, Mrigasira, Chitta, Anuradha, Moola, Uttara, Dhanishta or Poorvabhadra gives rise to Siddha Yoga.

Wednesday coinciding with Bhadra and Java and with the constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Aridra, Uttara, Uttarashadha or Anuradha generates Siddha Yoga.

Thursday identical with the 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 13th or 14th lunar day and with tne asterisms Makha, Pushya, PunarvasJ, Swati. Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Revati or Aswini gives rise to Siddha Yoga.

Friday ruled by Aswini, Bharani, Aridra, Uttara, Chitta, Swati, Poorvashadha or Revati coinciding with Nanda and Bhadra constitutes this beneficial yoga.

Saturday falling on a day ruled by Swati, Rohini, Visakha, Anuradha, Dhanishta or Satabhisha and with lunar days Bhadra and Riktha generates the same auspicious yoga.

A Friday coinciding with Nanda (1st, 6th and 11th lunar days), Wednesday identical with Bhadra (2nd, 7th and 12th lunar days), Tuesday coinciding with Jaya (3rd 8th and 13th lunar days), Saturday falling on a Riktha tithi (4th, 9th and 14th lunar days), and Thursday falling on 5th, 10th or 15th (Poorna) lunar days constitute Siddha Yoga.

Sunday to Saturday respectively coinciding with the constellations Hasta, Sravana, Aswini, Anuradha, Pushya, Revati and Rohini will give rise to Amita Siddha Yoga.

The above special yogas can be applied with advantage to important elections and if in addition 10 the general strength of the day due to a special yoga. the Lagna is also rendered strong, chances of success of the enterprise would be by far the greatest.[/left]

اما النقطة الرابعة فهي اعتقد تتعلق باختيارات الزراعة التي تطورت لتشمل الاختيارات الاخرى
لان كاران تعني مزارعين في الهندية وكالفا مصطلح تنجيمي
وساضع نصا انجليزيا ربما يفي بعض الشئ من جهة ما

[left]Chapter V
Special Adverse Yogas and their Neutralisation

The farmers of the astrological rules were not mere theoreticians. They were practical men and did not beleive in merely cataloguing their observations for academical purposes. Whilst it is always desirable to fix a Muhurtha that is auspicious by all standards of astrological rules, there would sometimes be practical difficulties and emergent occasions which admit of no delay. Therefore, emphasis is laid on what is called gunabahulya or excess of good and dosha swalpa or deficiency of evil. When one has to visit a friend or a relation, who is seriously ill in, a far-off place, we are asked not to attach any consideration to the astrological factors. Because at a moment's notice it is impossible to get a time which could be deemed to be propitious astrologically. But when one is to go on a pilgrimage or a business tour or for a marriage, one should see that he starts under influences that are harmoniously disposed towards him.

There are said to be 21 great evils (ekavimsati mahadoshas) which are to be avoided for any auspicious work. But when one finds it difficult to avoid them because of astrological impossibility or circumstantial inability, one can take advantage of the neutralising combinations which are generally supposed to act as antidotes. We may just make a passing reference to these 21 great evils for the information of the readers. They are: -

1. Panchanga Suddhi. - We have already said that a Panchanga consists of tithi, vara, nakshatra. yoga and karana. All these must be auspicious. In regard to lunar days, the 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th and 14th, full and new moon days should be avoided. In regard to vara, Thursday and Friday are held to be suitable for all works. Tuesday, is to be generally avoided except when it happens to be the 10th, 12th or 16th day of the child's birth when the child's Namakarana (baptising or giving name) may be performed. Of the several Nakshatras, Bharani and Krittika should be avoided for all auspicious works as these two are said to be presided over by the god of death (Yama) and the god of fire (Agni) respectively. In urgent cases if the Lagna could be fortified, the dosha due to nakshatra may get neutralised. The last parts of Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati should also be avoided. Coming to the Yoga (vide page 12) the 6th (Atiganda). 9th (Soola). 10th (Ganda), 17th (Vyatipata) and 27th (Vydhruti) have deleterious effects upon events which are started or commenced under them. - The Karana chosen must be appropriate to the election in view. Thus Bava is auspicious for starting works of permanent importance while Thaithula is propitious for marriage. Bhadra is unfit for any good work but is eminently suitable for violent and cruel deeds. For getting initiation into kshudra mantras Sakuni Havana is propitious.

Therefore, Panchanga Suddhi means a good lunar day, a beneficial weekday, an auspicious constellation, a good yoga and a fertilising Karana.

2. Surya Sankramana. - The 2nd great evil is Surya Sankramana or the solar ingress into different zodiacal signs. When the Sun is about to leave one sign and enter another there seem to occur certain disturbances in the organisation of the solar forces and such times are not recommended for any good work. On the contrary, they are held to be propitious for meditation, initiation into secret mantras and performance of certain religious rites which are held to purify not only the bodily electrical discharges but also the mental currents. Sixteen ghatis (6 hours 24 minutes) both before and after the entry of the Sun into a new sign should be rejected for all new works.

3. Karthari Dosha. - Karthari means scissors. In an election, when two evil planets are placed on either side of the Lagna, the combination goes under the special name of Karthari Dosha and it should be rejected for good work particularly in regard to marriage.

4. Shashtashta Riphagatha Chandra Dosha. - The Moon should invariably be avoided in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses from the Lagna rising in an election chart.

5. Sagraha Chandra Dosha. - The Moon's association with any other planet, benefic or malefic, should be avoided. This injunction is specially applicable in case of marriage.

6. Udayasta Suddhi. - The Lagna and the seventh should be strong. The Lagna should be occupied by its own lord and the Navamsa Lagna by its own lord or vice versa or lord of Lagna should aspect Navamsa Lagna and vice versa. Similarly the seventh and the lord of the seventh Bhava should be favourably disposed. The strength of Lagna and the seventh is necessary in all elections but especially so in regard to marriage.

7. Durmuhurtha. - Muhurtha technically means 48 minutes or 2 ghatis in terms of time. A sidereal day consists of 30 muhurthas. The 1st fifteen diurnal muhurthas named are: (1) Rudra. (2) Ahi. (3) Mitra,, (4) Pitrii, (5) Vasu, (6) Vara. (7) Vishwedeva, (8) Vidhi, (9) Sathamukhi, (10) Puruhuta, (H)Vahini, (12) Naktanchara, (13) Varuna, (14) Aryama and (15) Bhaga. The nocturnal muhurthas are: (1) Girisa, (2) Ajipada, (3) Ahirbudhnya. (4) Pusha, (5) Aswi, (6) Yama, (7) Agni. (8) Vidhatru, (9) Chanda, (10) Aditi, (11) Jeeva, (12) Vishnu. (13) Yumigadyuti, (14) Thyasthur and (15) Samdram.

In regard to the diurnal muhurtha, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 15th are inauspicious while in nocturnai muhurthas the 1st. 2nd, 6th and 7th are inauspicious.

In calculating the muhurtha, the exact length of day and night should be ascertained. Each muhurtha is said to last for 48 minutes (2 ghatis) on the assumption that the duration of day and night is of equal proportion, viz. 30 ghatis, or 12 hours. If the length of day is 28 ghatis, then each muhurtha extends for 1 ghati and 52 vighatis (20h 20s. 8).

Apart from the above general classification of good and bad muhurthas, the following should also be deemed as unpropitious on the different weekdays. Sunday coinciding with the 14th lunar day (Aryama); Monday the 8th (Vidhi) and the 12th (Naktanchara); Tuesday the 4th (Prtru) and the 11th (Vahni); Wednesday (Abhijit); Thursday the 12th (Naktanchara) and 13th (Varuna); Fflday'the 4th (Pitru) and the 8th (Vidhi) and Saturday the 1st (Rudra) and the 2nd (Ahi).

Particularly in marriages, the muhurthas declared above as inauspicious in regard to weekdays should not be considered.

8. Gandanthara. - The last 2 ghatis (48 minutes) of the 5th, 10th and 15th (Full Moon) and the first 2 ghatis of the 6th, 11th and 1st (dark half) lunar days go under tithigandanthara and they should be rejected for all new works. Similarly, the last 2 degrees of Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces and the first 2 degrees of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are inauspicious. The last ghatis of Aslesha, Jyeshta, Moola, Revati and Aswini and the first four ghatis of Makha should be avoided as injurious for good work.

Papashadvargs. - Malefics should not be strong in shadvargas in an election chart.

10. Bhrigu Shatka. - The position of Venus in the 6th is injurious. This is especially so in regard to marriage. Even when Venus is exalted and associated with benefics, such a disposition is not approved.

11. Kujasthama: - Mars should be avoided in the 8th house, as it indicates destruction of the object in view. In a marriage election chart. Mars in the 8th is unthinkable. Even if Mars is otherwise powerful, he should not occupy the 8th house.

12. Ashtama Lagna Dosha. - In selecting a time for marriage, the Lagna ascending should not happen to be the 8th from the Janma Lagna of the bride and the bridegroom. Suppose the would be husband and wife are born in Aquarius and Capricorn respectively. At the time of marriage, the ascending Lagna should be a sign other than Virgo or Leo as these two happen to be the 8th from the bridegroom and bride's Janma Lagnas respectively.

13. Rasi Visha Ghatika. - Elsewhere has been given the negative periods of different Lagnas (Lagna Thyajya). They are to be rejected for all auspicious work.

14. Kunavamsa Dosha. - The Lagna selected for an auspicious work should not occupy the Navamsa of a malefic.

15. Varadosha. - This has already been explained on page 26. Certain weekdays are to be avoided for certain special activities.

16. Grahanothpatha Dosha. - The constellations in which the eclipses appear should be avoided, and in regard to marriage, such a constellation should be avoided for six months.

17. Ekargala Dosha. - This dosha is powerful only during the daytime. Affects matters started under certain yogas such as Vishkhambam. We need not go into details as it is not of much significance.

18. Krura Samyuta Dosha. - The constellation occupied by the Sun at a given moment, and the one immediately preceding and succeeding it have to be deemed unpropitious for all good work and they should be rejected for purposes of marriage.

19. Akalagharjitha Vrishti Dosha. - When there is rainfall and thunder, out of season, such days should be deemed unfit for all good work.

20. Mahapatha Dosha. - When the Sun and, the Moon are equally removed from the equator upon the same side of it, the aspect is known as Vyatipata, which indicates excess of evil. This is held to be unfavourable for all good work.

21. Vaidhruthi Dosha - This is also an evil aspect (yoga) and should be avoided in all favourable activities.

I have given above a fairly clear description of the 'evils', which are generally to be met with in all classical works on Muhurtha. The reader should not get scared away at the thought of these large number of doshas or planetary evils which are to be avoided if one is to elect a proper time for the fruition of an object in view. Man has to contend against a stupendous number of evil agencies or discordant vibrations released by the planetary bodies and each of these mahadoshas seems to express euphemestically the particular types of evil energies which would affect adversely particular types of human activities. There are several exceptions to these general doshas. One should always remember that in electing a suitable moment one should try to avoid the major doshas by fortifying the ascendant and taking advantage of the exceptions and ignoring the minor ones.

The following combinations are held to neutralise the adverse yogas mentioned above:

1. The lagnathyajya referred to supra prevails only on particular days as per details below. In the first Navamsa - Wednesday and Saturday. In the middle Navamsa - Monday and Friday. In the last Navamsa - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. In other days the thyajyam has no significance.

2. Chandrashtama shows no evil when the Moon is waxing and occupies a benefic sign and a benefic Navamsa, or when there is Tarabala. The sting is lost when the Moon and the 8th lord are friends.

3. Tuesday is not evil after midday.

4. The aspects attributed to Vyatipatam, Vaidruti, etc., become defunct after midday.

5. No day of the week is blemished if the lord thereof is strongly placed in the election chart.

6. Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in the ascendant will completely destroy all other adverse influences.

7. Jupiter has the power of dispelling all the evils due to the Lagna, Navamsa and malefic aspects and render the time highly propitious.

8. The mere presence of the Moon or the Sun in the 11th will act as an antidote for other evils obtaining in the horoscope.

9. If the angles are well fortified, evil influences are countered.

10. A planet exalted in Lagna will nullify the other adverse influences.

11. Jupiter or Venus in a kendra (quadrant) and malefics in 3, 6 or 11 will remove alt the flaws arising on account of unfavourable weekday, constellation, lunar day and yoga.

Thus it will be seen that the most important question in Muhurtha is the fortification of Lagna and its lord.[/left]

اما السؤال الخامس لا اعتقد يوجد نسبة له انما له اثر وفق بعد القمر لكن حقيقة لا يوجد عندي اطلاع على راي الهنود هنا

وسوف اضع رابطا مهما فيه بعض الامور المتنوعة

ولاحقا سوف ارفع صفحات مهمة في التنجيم الهندي تنفع في الاختيارات

وسلام ومحبة للجميع

¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
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