سؤال للشيخ المحسن عن كوكب المريخ وزحل

مقالات خاصة في التنجيم واحكامه
قوانين المنتدى
• تنبيه : هذا قسم خاص للمواضيع والمقالات الخاصة في التنجيم وليس للطلبات العلاجية او الاستفسارات لذلك لزم التنويه والتنبيه.
• الطلبات توضع في قسم للطلبات المتنوعة الروحانية وغيرها والا فلن يتم الرد عليك ولربما سيتم حذف طلبك .
أضف رد جديد
صورة العضو الرمزية
مشاركات: 12
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
الجنس: اختار واحد

سؤال للشيخ المحسن عن كوكب المريخ وزحل

مشاركة بواسطة afllake »

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا
السلام عليكم شيخنا المحسن
هل حكم المريخ وهو سعيد في البيوت الاثني عشر كحكمه وهو راجع
المريخ سعيد في بيت المال مال ياتي بسرعة ويذهب بسرعة
المريخ راجع في بيت المال مال ياتي بسرعة ويذهب بسرعة

كدلك كوكب زحل
زحل سعيد في بيت المال حاول استغلال هذه الفترة ماليا بحذر شديد وعدم التبذير المبالغ به
زحل راجع في بيت المال ينذر بمشكلة مالية كبيرة مفاجئة كارثة ماليه او مشاكل ماليه غير متوقعه تسبب لك الكثير من الانزعاج او الخسارة الماديه

وشكرا لكم شيخنا المحسن
 تنبيه مهم : عليك ان تقرأ الشروط عند تقديم اي طلب جديد والا سيتم حذف موضوعك •• اقرأ الشروط ••
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9108
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

سؤال للشيخ المحسن عن كوكب المريخ وزحل

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
اهلا بك
المريخ وزحل حتى لو كانا سعيدان فلا تأمن شرهما
الكواكب المتراجعة تختلف بالدلالة نظرا لطبيعتها ونظرا لتراجعها من عدمه في هيئة المولود الاصل
اذا عرفنا المريخ انه الاندفاع فاذا تراجع اذن سيكون ليس مندفعا ولكن ستكون هناك سلبية اخرى توافق المريخ في فترة تراجعه
والمريخ ابن اللحظة فاذا تراجع عاش بالماضي ورجع للماضي اين ما تجد تراجعه في بيتك ستجد انك حننت لماضي وفكرت بماضي او اعتلاك غضب بسبب ماضي
المريخ هو الطاقة والتراجع اذن تراجع بالطاقة
مثلا التراجع المريخي في الثاني ربما سيولد احيانا ذهاب مال ورجوعه يعني ضياع
أيضاً لابد ان تنتبه ان الثاني للمريخ يتعلق بشهوته ربما يكون تراجع بالشهوة وقت تراجع المريخ او ان هناك ما متعلق بالشهوة لا يمكن ان يفسر ربما مثلا تراجع صحي أيضاً لماذا تراجع صحي
المريخ في الثاني يعني يقابل العقرب والعقرب بالاصل هو الثامن اذن يتعلق بالصحة أيضاً
اذن صحيح سيكون هناك مال ياتي بسرعة ولكن يذهب بسرعة واسراف
لكن هل اسراف شهوات او صحة او ملذات هذا فيه عدة اوجه وربما كل هذا سيحدث
اذن المريخ السعيد اذا راجع ستختلف نوعا ما الدلالة
أيضاً الحظوظ كونه سعيد تنافي كونه متراجع فالتراجع نحوسة
ان المريخ اقوى حظوظه ان يكون في بيته او شرفه ففي بيته يعطوه خمس درجات وفي شرفه يعطوه اربعة
ولكن اذا تراجع ياخذون منه 4 درجات اي انه نحس بمعنى يكون سالبا ولكن ليس نحسا مدمرا فلابد من النظر الى اتصالاته وتواجده

اما زحل فثقيل اينما تواجد يولد ضغطا وتراجعه أيضاً به ثقل يولد تشتت ويزيد البطء عندك وياخرك كثيرا في اخذ اي قرار هو يحملك بكل طاقتك ويرجعك للخلف
زحل أيضاً وكل كوكب بتراجعه يؤخذ 4 نقاط من حظوظه
زحل يعلمك المسؤلية لكن وقت تراجعه يجعلك تهرب منها
زحل في بيت المال يدلل على الضغوطات وان ما مضى من اسراف يظهر اثره الان او عدم التدبير قديما اوقعك بهذه المشاكل
لكن تراجع زحل يزيد ذلك أيضاً
البعض يقول تخف النحوسة ولكني لا اراها تخف بل يكون هناك تملص ومن يراها تخف لم ينتبه هي تريد الظهور بقوة بعد انتهاء تراجعه

هذه دلالات التراجع للكواكب لو كنت تجيد الانكليزية

Mercury is Retrograde in Aries. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Taurus. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Leo. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Virgo. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Libra. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Mercury is Retrograde in Pisces. Mercury retrograde indicates a contemplative and reflective mind, that has a strong inward focus, that points to a strong link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Mental responses are generally not as quick as when Mercury is direct, but the mind is deeper and more profound and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Learning of new concepts can also be slower as information and skills are gained through careful assimilation rather than through intuition. The person is less verbal especially about their feelings and may keep a lot inside, and be rather self-critical. The challenge provided by Mercury retrograde is to achieve a focus for your perceptions and relationships and to find a balance between your discriminatory powers and your intuition.

Venus is Retrograde in Aries. Venus indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Taurus. Venus indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Gemini. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Cancer. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Leo. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Virgo. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Libra. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Scorpio. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Sagittarius. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Capricorn. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Aquarius. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Venus is Retrograde in Pisces. Venus retrograde indicates a person that is somewhat less outgoing socially than those with a direct moving Venus and one who is less concerned with earning the approval of others by conforming to social norms. There is a tendency to be somewhat more reserved and self-contained as regards relationships, as much of the emotional fulfillment is found within. Nevertheless, Venus retrograde relates to love, and especially self-love; thus relationships can be difficult and there may be some insecurity when pursuing this area, while emotional expression can also be difficult. The challenge provided by Venus retrograde, is the achievement of the ability, and the willingness to give as well as to receive love, even in the presence of past wounds and insecurities; and to learn that one must first love oneself before one can fully love others.

Mars is Retrograde in Aries. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Taurus. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Gemini. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Cancer. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Leo. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Virgo. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Libra. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Scorpio. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Sagittarius. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Capricorn. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Aquarius. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Mars is Retrograde in Pisces. With Mars retrograde there is a tendency to react rather than act and these reactions are inclined to be based on feelings and experiences from the past, rather than being rooted in the present moment. Thus you may tend to overreact or under-react in a given situation and be inclined to focus energy on your inner world rather than towards accomplishment in the real world. Nevertheless this configuration can give great strength and courage to confront one's inner "demons." The challenge provided by a retrograde Mars is that of the right use of action and power. There is a need to be clear about your needs and to carefully plan your actions. This configuration can sometimes indicate issues as regards the expression of one's sexuality, that need to be addressed at some time during life; while it also warns of health problems that can result out of the incorrect internalisation of the Martian energy.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Aries. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Taurus. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Gemini. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Cancer. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Leo. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Virgo. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Libra. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Sagittarius. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Capricorn. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Aquarius. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Jupiter is Retrograde in Pisces. A retrograde Jupiter brings with it the deep desire to gain insight through an inwardly directed search for truth and spiritual principles. This means that your answers to philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are more likely to be based on intuitive realisations than on the tenets and dogma of organized religion. But this also means that you can be at odds with the commonly held ideas of this culture, where material aquisition matters more than and the riches and abundance that may be found within.

Saturn is Retrograde in Aries. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Taurus. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Gemini. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Cancer. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Leo. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Virgo. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Libra. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Scorpio. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Sagittarius. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Aquarius. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

Saturn is Retrograde in Pisces. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart Saturn's retograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalise the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
مشاركات: 12
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
الجنس: اختار واحد

سؤال للشيخ المحسن عن كوكب المريخ وزحل

مشاركة بواسطة afllake »

شكرا لكم الشيخ المحسن على الشرح الوافي وبارك الله فيكم وعليكم
لو تتكرم علينا ببعض الاحكام الكواكب في البيوت تكون عربية لان الترجمة ليست جيدة بتجمة قوقل
وشكرا لكم شيخنا المحسن
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