استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

كل ما يخص فنون الفال والاستخارات والقرع
السور الاعظم
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 5140
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الجوزاء
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة السور الاعظم »

استخارة لطيفة بارك الله جهودكم --بس اعتقد الترجمة غير مترابطة لكن مفهومة
 تنبيه مهم : عليك ان تقرأ الشروط عند تقديم اي طلب جديد والا سيتم حذف موضوعك •• اقرأ الشروط ••
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9108
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

شكرا لكم جميعا وحفظكم الله
ولكن هي غير مترجمة
ساضع النص هنا حتى يتم ترجمته من قبل اختنا الكريمة
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
السور الاعظم
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 5140
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الجوزاء
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة السور الاعظم »

نعم اسفة انا كنت عاملة ترجمة تلقائية
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9108
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

اهلا بك اختي السور الاعظم
الاخت الكريمة سمفونية السمو
هذه هي النصوص
واذا وجدت كلمة لم تفهميها فضعيها كما هي
والترجمة تكون من بعد هذه الحروف
w1[0]="A - A.
واخر كل نص يكون هذه العلامة
شكرا لك مقدما
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

[align=left]w1[0]="A - A. The Stainless Sky. This prediction is known as \u0022the giving of fearlessness\u0022. You should listen. Just as the sky is free from stains, so your mind should be completely purified and placed in equanimity. Since there is equanimity, there will be no obstructions to the fulfillment of your intentions and aims. This prediction is the most propitious for averting negative forces and bad omens. If you rely upon the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, then obscurations will be cleared and resuits will be quickly obtained. If you had previous troubles or unhappiness, these will be righted. "

w1[1]="A - RA. The Flaming Rays of the Sun. This prediction is known as \u0022departing of darkness\u0022. Whatever you ask, will be unreservedly settled like the clarity of the sun, and it will be very good. If you cut the net of doubt enveloping yourself, the situation will turn out well."

w1[2]="A - PA. The Nectar Rays of the Moon. This prediction is known as \u0022dense, good clouds\u0022. The accomplishment of peaceful, increasing and virtuous activities is assured. There are no obstacles in regards to your intentions and aims. It is especially good to perform gentle, peaceful activities\u003B a strong effect will not arise through power or violent activities."

w1[3]="A - TSA. The Bright Star. This prediction is known as \u0022increasing the power of the air like the revolution of the energy currents in the sky\u0022. If you work with steadfastness and carefulness of mind, there will be a good result. Any activity which involves going, travelling and movement, as well as acts of giving, will have good results."

w1[4]="A - NA. The Ground of Gold. This prediction is known as \u0022if you stay here, the basis will become firm\u0022. Steady work will be accomplished and have good results. Since your intention is firm, it is advisable to remain in your own location. Then your plan will not be aborted."

w1[5]="A - DHI. The Tone of the Vajra. This prediction is known as \u0022that which moves to pleasantly increase and expand one's intelligence\u0022. The happiness of the mind will increase. You will achieve your aims."

w1[6]="RA - A. The Bright Lamp. This prediction is known as \u0022the one who helps oneself\u0022. Your mind is very clear and excels, just as a lamp excels in dispelling darkness. You can do just as you wish\u003B there will be success."

w1[7]="RA - RA. Adding Butter to Burning Flames. This prediction is known as \u0022increasing the demonstration of joy\u0022. All activiites of power will be accomplished favourably and well. Your aims will be quickly accomplished, and you will also hear some clear news concerning them. If you recite the proper number of mantras of any dakini practice, then your activiites will expand and be in sharper focus."

w1[8]="RA - PA. The Demon of Death. This prediction is known as \u0022the activity which accomplishes destruction\u0022. Whatever work you are engaged in is non-virtuous and unsuccessful since it is clasped by the Lord of Death. As there are great hindrances and obstacles, your aims will not be accomplished. It is best to postpone efforts to fulfil them."

w1[9]="RA - TSA. The King of Power. This prediction is known as \u0022increasing power and strength\u0022. Spontaneous strength arises from within yourself. Being endowed with strength, whatever you wish will be achieved. It is excellent to perform activities of summoning and violence. It is also good if you act in concordance with the essential practice of your sepecial meditation deity."

w1[10]="RA - NA. The Dried-up Tree. This prediction is known as \u0022essensless and inconceivable\u0022. There will be no result whatsoever. Being like a fire that suddenly flares up and then sputters out, your aims are difficult to accomplish."

w1[11]="RA - DHI. The Door of Auspicious. This prediction is known as \u0022advice from a beneficial friend\u0022. The eye of transcendental wisdom will open. If you follow the advice of a good friend, then there will be success. Various practices for seeing visions upon mirrors and the like will also be successful."

w1[12]="PA - A. The Vase of Nectar. This prediction is known as \u0022the turbulent activities involviong relatives and peaceful people\u0022. Activities of peace are accomplished. There are no obstructions whatsoever, so you will achieve your aims. There is great benefit in fulfilling the wishes of the guru just as he desires."

w1[13]="PA - RA. The Pool Without a Source of Water. This prediction is known as \u0022decreasing of happiness\u0022. Wealth declines. The outlook for the accomplishment of your aims is only mediocre, and no benefit can come from friends."

w1[14]="PA - PA. The Ocean of Nectar. This prediction is known as \u0022the washing that cleanses\u0022. Wealth increases. You will obtain much wealth, prosperity and favourable conditions."

w1[15]="PA - TSA. The Demon of Afflictions. This prediction is known as \u0022the boiling of agitation\u0022. happiness will be destroyed. For anything that you intend or aim, there is disturbance of mind or unhappiness."

w1[16]="PA - NA. The Golden Lotus. This prediction is known as \u0022increasing happiness\u0022. Any aim whatsoever will be successful. Your situation will become better and better."

w1[17]="PA - DHI. The Nectar-like Medicine. This prediction is known as \u0022similar goodness\u0022. Whatever you wish for will be accomplished just as you envision. Furthermore, you will be nourished by the fulfillment of your plans. If you rely upon deities such as Pratisara, your wishes will be achieved."

w1[18]="TSA - A. The White Umbrella of Good Fortune. This prediction is known as \u0022whatever path one desires to travel upon, one will arrive safely\u0022. Good fortune increases. Your wishes will be fulfilled. Performing the meditation and recitation of Simha Mukha is beneficial. Especially, you will hear good news. However, your decisions will sometimes have no effect and others' promises will not have any results, like the imprint of bird's feet in the sky."

w1[19]="TSA - RA. The Great Fiery Weapon. This prediction is known as \u0022subduing all others by being endowed\u0022. You are successful and brave. Being victorious over every direction leads to success. Especially, there is great success for the Dharma activity of wrathfulness, such as subduing others, and the like. Just by the recitation of wrathful mantras, and so on, there will be success."

w1[20]="TSA - PA. Empty of Intelligence. This prediction is known as \u0022scattering the mind into pieces\u0022. Thoughts are empty, just as the wind moves through an empty valley. You are becoming too worried and mentally aggravated for such a small purpose."

w1[21]="TSA - TSA. The Streamer of Fame. This prediction is known as \u0022quick settlement and fame\u0022. Your renown and fame will increase. There will be success in fulfilling your wishes. If you diligently perform rituals to the Dharma Protectors, then any activity you have begun will be accomplished."

w1[22]="TSA - NA. The Mara Demon of the Aggregates. This prediction is known as \u0022being pressed down by a large hill\u0022. Matters pertaining to family, property, life, friends, and wealth are not positive whatsoever. There is a great obstruction. The \u002air horse\u0022 \u0028good luck\0029 won't run on the path. Recite the prayer of Guru Padmasambhava, Removing Obstacles from the Path, and also the Sutra of Tara Which Dispels the Darkness in Ten Directions."

w1[23]="TSA - DHI. The House of Good Tidings. This prediction is known as \u0022dissemination of joyful news and arrival at the summit of the mountain\u0022. Good works are accomplished. Your aims will be successful, with quick results. Relations with others are good."

w1[24]="NA - A. The Golden Mountain. This prediction is known as \u0022holding one's own place and not moving\u0022. Firmness and stability are seen. Your aims are excellent and will bring stability to your life in the future."

w1[25]="NA - RA. The Demon of the Heavenly Son. This prediction is known as \u0022the aggregates of the person being harmed by suffering\u0022. This throw augurs ill. The result of the completion of your aims is empty."

w1[26]="NA - PA. The Overflowing Jewelled Vessel. This prediction is known as \u0022the good field which increases happiness\u0022. Prosperity increases. The happiness of mind increases."

w1[27]="NA - TSA. The Scattered Mountain of Sand. This prediction is known as \u0022dwindling the mountain into dust\u0022. The results of your aims are spoilt and thrown about, just as dust is scattered by the wind. There will be great changes, and finally you will experience deterioration."

w1[28]="NA - NA. The Mansion of Gold. This prediction is known as \u0022the placing of some great thing upon another great thing\u0022. All things are good, vast and stable. Just as the earth and mountains are very firm, so your aims are good. However, there is a chance of delay. If you propitiate wealth deities and earth deities, your aims will be achieved."

w1[29]="NA - DHI. The Treasury of Jewels. This prediction is known as \u0022a building of many stories\u0022. There is perfect prosperity. Your aims are excellent and firm, so the outlook for the future is positive."

w1[30]="DHI - A. Manjushri Appears. This prediction is known as \u0022principal of the thirty-six cities\u0022 or \u0022increasing transcendental wisdom and accomplishing excellence\u0022. Whatever is wished for will be fulfilled, like a gem falling into your hand. Have no doubts concerning the situation, since an authority that is not involved with deception is present here. It is advisable to listen to, study and contemplate the general Buddhist teachings, especially those of the mantra teachings."

w1[31]="DHI - RA. The Endless Auspicious Knot. This prediction is known as \u0022friendly desire\u0022. A mind-pleasing scene will be witnessed. Your intentions are appropriate and will meet with success. In relation to people, your dwelling, and events happening at your present residence, good fortune will occur. Whatever your decisions may be, only harmony will arise. For this reason, plans and aims will meet with success and happiness and be well accomplished."

w1[32]="DHI - PA. The Golden Female Fish. This prediction is known as \u0022to endeavour in accordance with one's intentions, wishes and aims\u0022. Physical activity and good luck will increase. Your aims and intentions are favourable and successful."

w1[33]="DHI - TSA. The White Conch. This prediction is known as \u0022increasing good news and fame\u0022. Fame and fortune increase. Your aims will be successful, and you will hear good tidings. If you teach languages, debate, logic and the like, it is good."

w1[34]="DHI - NA. The Golden Wheel. This prediction is known as \u0022climbing upon a throne\u0022. There is prosperity and well-being. Because your aims are steady in the long run, the prospects are good. Especially, you will be foremost in worldly customs and manners."

w1[35]="DHI - DHI. The Jewelled Banner of Victory. This prediction is known as \u0022hoisting the jewelled banner of victory\u0022. You are victorious and excel. You are able to accomplish whatever activity you wish to do. Your aims will be very well fulfilled. It is good to make nectar pills and perform the meditation practice of deities who hold swords and other similar objects."[/align]
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 649
اشترك في: الأربعاء 18-5-2011 12:13 pm
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة jodaline »

جزاك الله كل خير شيخنا الكريم على الاستخارة والجهد الطيب والشكر موصول للعزيزة سمفونية السمو
تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
سمفونية السمو
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 226
اشترك في: الأربعاء 8-5-2013 7:16 am
البرج: الجدي
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة سمفونية السمو »

حسنا اخي

ان شاء الله خير للتو دخلت المنتدى وهبذل كل جهدي وربنا الموفق

ولو جوجو لاشكرعلى واجب
تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 3045
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة Zenobia »

عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

فكرة جيدة انه الشيخ يعطيك تترجمي يا سمفونية
هكذا تنشغلي بدل ما كل شوي تطلعي لنا المواضيع و ردود ردود ههههه
فعلا هي تحتاج للترجمة لاني جربتها بالامس و كانت بالانجليزي
فما اعرف ان كانت ترجمة Google صحيحة

نشكر الشيخ الكريم للمجهودات الطيبة
و الشكر مسبقا لغاليتنا سمفونية السمو للترجمة

دمتم بود
تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9108
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
هذا نص اخر للترجمة
وهو مختصر ولكنه يختلف عن السابق
يمكن ترجمته اذا كان الاول كبير

[align=left]1_The Horseman (The Rider/Cavalier) News from a foreign country or from far away. New situations or people are coming towards you. A change is coming via a visitor or news. (9 Hearts)

2_The Clover Hope, good luck, wealth and opportunities. A new twist brings new possibilities. You can take a chance. (6 Diamonds)

3_The Ship Travelling, good opportunities arising. A strong overseas connection. Exploration and change. (10 Spades)

4_The House The home, fruitful projects. Domestic affairs and intimate life. Real estate, home businesses and small businesses. (King Hearts)

5_The Tree Health, energy and spiritual beliefs. Mental health. Karmic matters. (7 Hearts)

6_The Clouds Obstacles and unpleasant events. Complications, uncertainties and troubles. Be patient. Disturbed people around you. (King of Clubs)

7_The Snake Betrayal, jealousy, cheating, disappointments, lies. People around you could be using you. (Queen Clubs)

8_The Coffin Completion, serious illness, even death, depression. Large loss of money or loss of a relationship. Important life-changing events. Destructive behaviours and negative attitudes. (9 Diamonds)

9_The Bouquet (The Flowers) Contentment, abundance of love, beauty, grace, joy. Recovery, healing, emotional wellness, granted wishes. (Queen Spades)

10_The Scythe Break-up, great danger, accidents, shocks. Violent acts, hurtful actions. Surgery. Emotional separations, rejections. (Jack Diamonds)

11_The Whip (The Birchrod) Strife and conflict, arguments, fights. Abuses, suffering. Sexual chemistry and passion. Sports, physical activities. (Jack of Clubs)

12_The Birds (The Bird) Communications, conversation, messages. Sales and negotiations. Couples and personal connections. Problems to deal with, short journeys, thinking. (7 Diamonds)

13_The Child Trust, friendliness, children. Sincerity and fragility. Immaturity. Small things. (Jack of Spades)

14_The Fox Treachery, hidden traps, disloyalty. Be cautious and discreet. Employment, career or job. (9 Clubs)

15_The Bear Power, be careful around those in power, envious people, need for strength. Financial windfall, cash flow. The boss. Protection. Government. Weight control. (10 Clubs)

16_The Stars (The Star) Success, hope, vision, imagination. A new path. Fame and reputation. (6 Hearts)

17_The Storks (The Stork) Changes in the home. House move. Birth of a child. Improvements. (Queen Hearts)

18_The Dog Reliable friendship. Reliability, faithfulness. Trust, stability. Life companion. (10 Hearts)

19_The Tower (The High Tower) Guidance, protection. Legal judgements. Government and military institutions. Officials. Hospitals, universities, airports. The course of your life, long life, someone or something from the past. (6 Spades

20_The Garden Creativity, meeting, party. Event, the public. The audience. Network of people. (8 Spades)

21_The Mountain Strong enemies, insurmountable situation. Delays, stalled situations. Obstacles. (8 Clubs)

22_The Crossroad (The Roads/Road) Choices, decisions. New alternatives. Multiples. Mediation and discussion. (Queen Diamonds)

23_The Mice (The Mouse) Theft, losses. Stress and worries. Hidden problems. Tired and sick. (7 Clubs)

24_The Heart Love, happiness. Romance, passion. Generosity. Emotions. (Jack Hearts)

25_The Ring Marriage, partnership matters. Contracts, agreements. Offer, proposal. Gift, present. Reunion, approval. Completion. (Ace Clubs)

26_The Book Secrets, a mystery. A surprise. Learning, training, education. The occult. (10 Diamonds)

27_The Letter News, mail. Email, fax. Documents, diploma. Award, trophy. (7 Spades)

28_The Man (The Gentleman ) A man. A neutral card. The Significator card for a man. (Ace Hearts)

29_The Woman (The Lady) A woman. A neutral card. The Significator card for a woman. (Ace Spades)

30_The Lily (The Lilies) Peace, satisfaction. Contentment. Support, attitude towards life. Promotion, business, work. Long experience. Completion. Maturity, wisdom, old age. (King Spades)

31_The Sun Optimism, happiness, success. Victory, fame, glory. Heat. (Ace Diamonds)

32_The Moon Emotions, feelings. Fantasies, dreams. Romances. Honours, celebrity, recognition. Psychic abilities. (8 Hearts)

33_The Key (The Keys) Answers, solutions. New beginnings, success. Twist of fate. Destiny. Karmic lesson. (8 Diamonds)

34_The Fish Commerce, trade. Self-employment. Independence. Entrepreneurs. Adventure. Excess, luxury, wealth, money. (King Diamonds)

35_The Anchor Stability, success, security. Long-term success. Perseverance, determination. (9 Spades)

36_The Cross Suffering, misfortune, pains. Despair, guilt. No hope for a situation. Questions left unanswered. Sickness. Uneasiness. Karma, destiny. Religion. (6 Clubs)[/align]
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
سمفونية السمو
عضو متميز فعال
عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 226
اشترك في: الأربعاء 8-5-2013 7:16 am
البرج: الجدي
الجنس: انثى

استخارة أوراكل التبتية السداسية المقدسة

مشاركة بواسطة سمفونية السمو »

Zenobia كتب:عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

فكرة جيدة انه الشيخ يعطيك تترجمي يا سمفونية
هكذا تنشغلي بدل ما كل شوي تطلعي لنا المواضيع و ردود ردود ههههه
فعلا هي تحتاج للترجمة لاني جربتها بالامس و كانت بالانجليزي
فما اعرف ان كانت ترجمة Google صحيحة

نشكر الشيخ الكريم للمجهودات الطيبة
و الشكر مسبقا لغاليتنا سمفونية السمو للترجمة

دمتم بود
هههههههههههههههههههههههه ياعيني ههههههههههههه بسيطة زوزو يجي يوووووووووووم ويعلق المنتدى زي ماعلق امس عشان اسرح وامرح فيه هههههههههههههه ^2%# ^2%#

الشكرلله غاليتي ولو ماعملت شئ
تبارك النور القدوس الذي انبثقت به الحياة
أضف رد جديد

العودة إلى ”الاستخارات والقرع“