Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

كل ما لا يخص علم التنجيم الاستوائي من هندي وصيني ومايا وامم اخرى
قوانين المنتدى
• تنبيه : هذا قسم خاص لمواضيع التنجيم الهندي والصيني والمايا وكذا الامم الاخرى وليس للتنجيم الاستوائي الذي نستخدمه نحن عادة في منتدياتنا.
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مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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هذه اول مشاركه لي في هذا القسم
انا اسفه ليس لدي الوقت للترجمه
زوجي شوي متوعك صحيا ارجو المعذره


Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

Eastern Astrology: The Chinese Lunar New Year and Calendar
2015 is the Year of the Goat or Sheep (Wood Goat) - from February 4th.

The Chinese Lunar New Year occurs every year on the New Moon of the first lunar month, which is the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. The exact date can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. A complete cycle of the Chinese lunar calendar takes 60 years and comprises five cycles of 12 years--12 animal signs and 5 elements.

The Chinese Lunar New Year differs to that of the Roman New Year because the Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon, whereas the Gregorian calendar, on which the Roman New Year is based, is an arithmetic calendar.

Each of the 12 years of the Chinese lunar calendar is named after an animal. These are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Legend has it that Buddha summoned all the animals to come to see him before he departed earth. Only 12 came so he rewarded those 12 by naming a year in the Chinese lunar calendar after them, in the order they arrived to see him.

As with western astrology where it's believed that the Sun's position at the time of an individual's birth determines certain personality traits that a person will possess, it's thought that each animal represented in the Chinese lunar calendar bestows certain characteristics on individuals who are born during the year that particular animal "rules."
In 2013, Chinese New year fell on February 10th, 2013. In 2014, Chinese New Year falls on January 30th, but the year of the Horse runs from February 4, 2014 to February 4, 2015. In 2015, Chinese New Year falls on February 18/19, but the year of the Goat runs from February 4th, 2015 forward.
The Goat/Sheep is the eighth sign of the Chinese Zodiac.
Sheep is quiet, mostly charming (although given to complaining), creative, and not always directed. The Sheep favors strengthening, healing, loving, and creating. Problem areas can be laziness, following along blindly, and wastefulness. This is a year for slowing down, focusing on family, and settling debts. We are kind and flexible, but not especially fond of big changes.
The Year of the Sheep or Goat 2015 is a Yin Wood year, and it's a year for making small changes that contribute to our growth, healing, settling, loving, respecting, and creating.
{Note that the sequence of years runs as follows: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water, Yin Water.}
Caution and moderation were advised in 2009, the Year of the Ox, flexibility and the ability to deal with change were considered essential qualities in 2010, the ability to make compromises and to negotiate were important in 2011, adventurousness and boldness were favored in 2012, and 2013 favored inner development and renewal/recycling. The Year of the Horse in 2014 favored quick decisions and a quick pace.
Consideration of others is especially important in the Year of the Goat. Hypocrisy is also a big no-no this year, and this is reinforced with Saturn moving through Sagittarius and Scorpio in Western astrology. Natural products and lifestyles are "in" this year. It's a period for mending fences, healing, connecting, rebuilding relationships, settling debt, and using common sense. Making big changes is not especially favored. The Goat or Sheep is the eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac, and 2015 is an 8 year in Numerology, so that the symbolism of this number is powerful.
The last Goat/Sheep year was 2003 (12 year cycle). The last Wood Goat year was 1955 (60 year cycle). Events occurring this year can bear some similarities to these years in history.


Sheep/Goats are most compatible with Rabbit and Pig (the Sheep, Rabbit, and Pig form a harmonious triangle of affinity - they are the diplomats of the Chinese Zodiac), and these are the signs that are expected to fare the best in 2015 generally speaking.
Sheep/Goats also form an in-kind compatible combination with the Horse- these create an ideal combination of yang (Horse) and yin (Goat) and form the life palace of sexuality. The Horse is generally expected to fare well in 2015.
Sheep/Goats are most incompatible with Ox (their opposite sign) and to a lesser degree with Dog and Dragon, and these are the signs that are expected to find 2015 the most challenging, for the most part.


Another important consideration is your Element. The year 2015 is a Yin Wood year.
Wood creates Fire. Water produces Wood. Metal destroys Wood. Wood destroys Earth. Wood exhausts Water.
Wood is friendly or compatible with Fire and Water.
Wood is controlled by Metal and Wood hinders Earth, so Metal and Earthare incompatible with (destructive/hostile to) Wood.
While 2015 is a yin Wood year, Sheep is naturally a yin Fire sign. As such, because Rat is yang Water, which is attracted to yin Fire, Rats may have a strong year for love. Rat is a romantic star for Sheep, so that the Rat may have a stronger year for love.
2015 is a yin Wood year, and since Rabbit is naturally yin Wood as well as compatible with Sheep, Rabbit is expected of all zodiac signs to have the best year.
Goats are traditionally not especially favored in their own year.
2015 is a yin Wood year, and yin Wood has a fighting relationship with yin Metal. As a result, yin Metal signs (Rooster) or yin Metal people may have a challenging year when it comes to love. Yin Wood is attracted to yang Metal, so that yang Metal (Monkey) is expected to have a strong year for love.
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Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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السلام عليكم

الابراج الصينيه جميله جدا
تسلمين على الطرح الجميل
اللهم يشافي زوجك بحق هذه اليالي
دمتم بألف خير جميعا

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مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
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الجنس: انثى

Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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اهلا بابنتي نورانو noorano
شكرا لمرورك وشكرا لدعائك لزوجي امين

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مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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اهلا بابنتي روح الامل
مرورك جميل
وشكرا لدعائك لزوجي

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مشاركات: 1356
اشترك في: الأحد 25-8-2013 4:19 pm
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Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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الابراج الصينيه جميله شكرا لك و ربي يشفي زوجك وكل مريض

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اشترك في: الثلاثاء 7-4-2015 12:18 am
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Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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الله يسلم ايديك رَبّـ❤ـيٌ يجبرك ويعافي زوجك وكل مريض اللهم آمين ولكني لم أفهم شي لأني مامعي لغة ولكن يكفيني أنك عذبتي حالك وبحثتي لأجل تقدمت هذا الموضوع لك مني شكري وامتناني

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عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

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شكرا Nidaa لمرورك
وشكرا لدعائك لزوجي امين

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
ولم اوقظ أحدا ليعانقني كي أهدأ
علام أكون ممتنا! لقد عشت أسوأ
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عضو متميز فعال
مشاركات: 2694
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: الحمل
الجنس: انثى

Chinese Astrology: 2015 Horoscopes Year of the Goat or Sheep

مشاركة بواسطة yasmeen »

ابنتي الدمشقيه
شكرا لمرورك وانا اسفه ما عندي وقت للترجمه
إن شاء الله بس افضى بترجملك اللي بدك اياه
شكرا لدعائك لزوجي اميين
الله يسعدك

لم أطلب يدا تمسح دموع فزعي
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