هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

خاص بطلبات الاعضاء واسئلتهم
قوانين المنتدى
تنجيم المسائل: هو تنجيم السائل والمجيب والاجابة او ما يسمى بالتنجيم الساعي الذي نسعى فيه لمعرفة الاجابة .
لذلك لابد ان نعلم بان السؤال والجواب ياتيان مع السائل نفسه فنكشف ونزيح الستار عن الجواب ونعطيه للسائل .
بمعنى اخر انا ارى السماء وقت السؤال وهي تجيب وما انا الا كاشف ومفسر وواسطة.
ذلك لأن الجواب هو باطن السؤال والسؤال هو ظاهر الجواب فهما غير منفكين ولا منفصلين.
فاذا صح السؤال صحت الاجابة , واذا صدق السائل صدق االمجيب وصدقت الاجابة.
وقد قال اهل العلم ( كل ما ها هناك يعرف بما ها هنا ) وعليه لابد من قراءة الشرووط بتمعن .
اخي او اختي اترك الفلك يتحرك اسبوعين او شهرا لتتغير مواقع الكواكب بين سؤال واخر حتى لا يكون العلم دجلا وضلال .
الشروط الواجبة لهذا القسم الخاص بتنجيم المسائل
أضف رد جديد
صورة العضو الرمزية
Um 3li
مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: الأربعاء 7-8-2019 1:19 pm
البرج: الميزان
الجنس: انثى

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة Um 3li »

هل سأتزوج الشخص الذي في بالي؟
الساعة: 4:25
البلد: البحرين
 تنبيه مهم : عليك ان تقرأ الشروط عند تقديم اي طلب جديد والا سيتم حذف موضوعك •• اقرأ الشروط ••
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9107
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

سلام ومحبة لك
هذه هيئة السؤال
هل سيكون هناك زواج؟.GIF
لم تذكري المعلومات بشكل دقيق
ربما تقصدي الساعة عصرا اي 16 و 45 دقيقة :
انت يدل علك زحل المتراجع وهو يدل عليه القمر في العقرب في هبوطه .
عادة القمر في العقرب ليس جيدا في مسائل الزواج اي يظهر بعض النحوسات لكنه لا يعني يمنع الزواج بل يضره من حيث سعادته .
عادة موقف زحل المتراجع براس الطالع يجعلك متقلبة في هكذا امر او تغيري رايك اوقد غيرت رايك عن السابق .
هنا لا يمكن ان اقول ان الجواب سلبي اي لا يتحقق بل هناك امور غريبة في هذه المسئلة ربما هي سبب عدم تحقق او تاخير المراد .
الامل في الهيئة موجود وعليك دراسة الامر والتنقيب فيه ومعرفة حقيقة ميولك نحوه
واهلا بك
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
Um 3li
مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: الأربعاء 7-8-2019 1:19 pm
البرج: الميزان
الجنس: انثى

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة Um 3li »

سلام عليكم..

شكراً جزيلاً..
صحيح فحالتي النفسية متقلبة في هذا الموضوع خاصة وقد حدثت مشكلة كبيرة بيننا وأصبحت لا اعلم هل يريد الاستمرار والزواج مني ام لا!!.. وحالياً نحن لانتحدث وبسبب هذا الامر فأنا متقلبة ولا أعلم ماذا اريد فاحيانا اريده واحيانا اتردد واذا قررت لا اريده لا استطيع واضل افكر فيه.. والاكثر من ذلك ما يقلقني هو ردة فعله بعد الشجار الذي حصل بيننا..

اكرر شكري لكم..
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9107
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

سلام ومحبة لك اختي الكريمة
لا تجعلي هذا الباب الوحيد الذي لابد ان تلجين اليه بل عليك ان تنظري الى جميع الابواب .
الزواج يريد تفاهم وانسجام والا سيكون جحيما لا يطاق . عليكما ان تتصارحا جيدا والا فعدم الزواج افضل من زواج بدون تفاهم .
ادرسي الامر جيدا فلربما لا يكون الامر جيد لك . انطلقي بحياتك ولا تقفي عليه الا اذا رغب فيك وكان بينكما تفاهم.
ولك السلام والمحبة
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
صورة العضو الرمزية
Um 3li
مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: الأربعاء 7-8-2019 1:19 pm
البرج: الميزان
الجنس: انثى

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة Um 3li »

سلام عليكم..

شكراً جزيلاً..

من بعد اذنك هل استطيع معرفة طبيعة العلاقة بيني وبينه من خلال الخريطة التوافقية..

وقت الولادة غير معروف لكنه فجراً
البلد: البحرين

الوقت : 19:30 المغرب
البلد: البحرين

واكون شاكرة لك..

صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو شمس المحسن
مدير الشبكة
مدير الشبكة
مشاركات: 9107
اشترك في: الأحد 16-7-2006 8:05 pm
البرج: السرطان
الجنس: ذكر

هل سيكون هناك زواج؟

مشاركة بواسطة ابو شمس المحسن »

سلام ومحبة لك
مع الاسف اختي فالمقارنة ليست من ضمن الشروط
انا صورت لك الهيئة وهي هذه
ام علي مقارنة.png
الكواكب الخارجية لك واما الكواكب الداخلية فله هو .
انا لا يمكنني ان اشرح هيئات المقارنة لانه لا وقت لدي .
لكني اقول هنا ان قمريكما في مواقع غير داعمة لكما خصوصا هو من حيث مزاجه وعواطفه .
عليكما معرفة بعضيكما جيدا
هذه نصوص وفق تاريخيكما واسميكما باللغة الانجليزية انت ام علي وهو فلان
عليك الجمع بين النصوص ولا تركني لنص وتتركي نصا اخر .
اهم الكواكب هي القمر والزهرة والمريخ والمشتري ثم الشمس وباقي الكواكب
(this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Sun sextile Sun - Creative and power urges harmonize easily. Temperaments
adjust readily. There is mutual sympathy and understanding of ideals and aims.
This aspect is favorable for any and all relationships, provided the
comparisons show no great number of conflicts. This position is usually good
for marriage.

(this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Jupiter conjunct Jupiter - This aspect denotes similarity, if not complete
agreement, in ideals, ethics, morals, aspirations, religious or spiritual
conceptions. You will inspire much good in each other and will encourage
optimism, self-confidence, humor and will benefit each other or protect each
other in many ways. There is much companionship, mutual interests and mutual
appreciation. You usually look for each other's good qualities and appreciate
them. You are tolerant, considerate and forgiving toward each other.

Um3li is Ascendant and Fulan is Uranus (this aspect is mildly discordant) -- Uranus opposite Ascendant - Fulan can cause important changes in Um3li's
attitudes toward marriage, partnership, public relations, friendship and
business dealings. Fulan will be instrumental in making Um3li more awake
and aware in these respects. If URANUS is afflicted in the comparison,
permanence in marriage or other partnerships is not favored. Um3li can
introduce Fulan to new acquaintances and social contacts, and Fulan,
Um3li can also help you make your unique ideas acceptable to others.

Um3li is Jupiter and Fulan is Ascendant (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Jupiter trine Ascendant - This aspect indicates compatibility in marriage,
friendship and business relationships through shared religious, philosophical,
cultural, educational and ethical beliefs, attitudes and interests. It gives
harmony in family and domestic relationships. You will share an enjoyment of
travel and group and organizational activities related to cultural, religious,
educational or charitable work. Um3li helps Fulan to develop a more
positive self-image, social adjustment and means of self-expression. Fulan
can help Um3li to put religious, educational, cultural or ethical goals and
beliefs into practice.

Um3li is Jupiter and Fulan is Venus (this aspect is mildly discordant) -- Venus opposite Jupiter - This aspect denotes mutual helpfulness and mutual
benefit. You enjoy the same pastimes and cultural things. This aspect
stimulates optimism, self-confidence and good health in both of you. There is
mutual consideration, sympathy and encouragement. It is conducive to
development along artistic, ethical or spiritual lines in either of you or
both. You are generous toward each other. Sometimes, though, this aspect
stimulates an extravagant streak in one or both of you, or a tendency to
wastefulness or overindulgence, or there may be too much emphasis on social
form, appearances, clothes and material possessions.

Um3li is Mars and Fulan is Jupiter (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Mars sextile Jupiter - This aspect stimulates aspirations and ambitions in each
of you. You both complement one another, one adding aggressive spirit to the
ambitions and aspirations of the other. This aspect stimulates mutual
helpfulness in achieving prosperity. This aspect promotes optimism, ambition
and desire for expansion. There may be a mutual interest along lines of sports
or love of nature and out-of-door recreations, which helps to consolidate
friendship and aid congeniality in the association.

Um3li is Mars and Fulan is Venus (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Venus trine Mars - The desire nature of Um3li stimulates the love nature of
Fulan. This aspect indicates a stimulating and congenial attraction. This is a
strong aspect of attraction between the sexes. There is much appeal to the
emotions. Fulan has a soothing effect on Um3li. This is a very good aspect to
find in love and marriage.

Um3li is Mercury and Fulan is Jupiter (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Mercury trine Jupiter - This aspect is mutually inspirational. The optimistic,
aspirational qualities of Fulan inspire and bring out the urge for mental
advancement in Um3li. This is a good combination for collaboration along
lines of creative self-expression. It is very good in partnerships. Um3li's
reason keeps the ideals and expansive visions of Fulan down to earth. Fulan
inspires intellectual, moral, spiritual and ethical qualities in Um3li.
Fulan is tolerant of the ideas of Um3li and will protect, inspire and
encourage interest in higher education. There is general goodwill toward each
other and stimulus of wit and humor in either or both of you.

Um3li is Mercury and Fulan is Venus (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Mercury sextile Venus - This aspect is mutually benefiting. It brings out the
best in intelligence, artistic or cultural interests in both of you. Many
mutual interests consolidate friendship. It is very good in marriage charts.
Mutual understanding through sympathy and affection are ensured. Um3li
understands and is considerate of the emotions of Fulan. Mutual encouragement
of respective aptitudes and talents is indicated. In marriage this aspect aids
cooperation in financial managements.

Um3li is Moon and Fulan is Ascendant (this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Moon conjunct Ascendant - Fulan's actions and self-expression will have a

(this aspect is mildly harmonious) --
Um3li is Pluto and Fulan is Sun (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Sun sextile Pluto - Power urge harmonizes with the reforming urge. There is not
much reaction here. The aspect can be favorable for the exchange of ideas. It
stimulates enterprise and ambition in both people. It can be favorable for
business or political associations, and especially good if both persons are
engaged in research or promotional activities.

Um3li is Pluto and Fulan is Venus (this aspect is mildly discordant) -- Venus square Pluto - This aspect is generally adverse. Um3li would be jealous,
possessive, demanding, absorbing and imposing in some way on Fulan. The
association would upset the emotions of Fulan. In romance and marriage this
aspect indicates problems of adjustment, sometimes in sexual relations. Unless
the two of you are on a high spiritual level, one of you could have a
demoralizing influence upon the other. The moral integrity of Fulan could
suffer. This aspect sometimes indicates differences in social-recreational
interests which create discord between the two individuals. In romance this
aspect sometime occurs in cases of unrequited love.

Um3li is Saturn and Fulan is Moon (this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Moon conjunct Saturn - Whether this aspect works for good or ill depends on
other aspects between your two charts. Um3li tends to discipline Fulan. This
factor may be stabilizing in many cases, but, in others, Um3li may have a
depressing and limiting effect on Fulan. Um3li can affect Fulan's moods and
feelings adversely; Um3li can also be critical of Fulan. A tendency to be cool,
indifferent or demanding may show up. If there is agreement of aims between the
two of you, this aspect aids the practical application of abilities, since
Um3li can help Fulan plan and build and Fulan can be adaptable. Um3li will need
to avoid selfishness toward Fulan. Um3li looks to Fulan for understanding and
sympathy. Fulan, if you incline to be pessimistic, Um3li will make you more so,
and will also discourage you further. Um3li brings burden, worry, duty,
responsibility or anxiety to Fulan.

Where marriage is concerned, Um3li can give Fulan a sense of security unless
Um3li is insecure also. Um3li is protective toward Fulan. This aspect makes an
attachment very binding as a rule, whether for friendship, business or
marriage. It is sometimes found in horoscopes of persons of widely different

Um3li is Saturn and Fulan is Pluto (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Saturn sextile Pluto - This aspect can aid planning together and uniting
efforts for large-scale enterprises. It stimulates the ability to make good use
of experience. This aspect is good for individuals engaged in research,
experimentation, industry, government, politics, banking, building, mining, in
discovery and development of natural resources or in law enforcement. It is not
very important in horoscopes of marriage partners or persons whose attachment
is mainly emotional.

Um3li is Saturn and Fulan is Sun (this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Sun conjunct Saturn - Power urge and security urge combine. This aspect can be
good or unfortunate, depending on whether the majority of interchart aspects
are harmonious or frictional. Um3li slows down Fulan, but this could be for
Fulan's own good. Um3li reminds Fulan of duties and responsibilities and can be a
bit critical. Fulan does much to encourage and vitalize Um3li, alleviate
worries, fears or other negative mental attitudes in Um3li. Fulan often has to
wait for Um3li who may be slow in some way (or seem so to Fulan). Um3li depends
on Fulan for inspiration; sometimes throws responsibility on Fulan or will try to
blame Fulan for troubles. Fulan, Um3li can depress or discourage you, and may put
a damper on your spirits and enthusiasms, but this might help you to be more
practical and realistic. Fulan will be tolerant and forgiving toward Um3li.

There is loyalty between the two of you if the comparison can be judged a good
one. A SUN-SATURN bond is hard to break. Fulan, Um3li needs you and will hold
you. Um3li, you should try not to let Fulan feel it is bondage. Um3li has a
confining influence on Fulan. Fulan may learn needed lessons of discipline and
patience through Um3li. In marriage a SUN-SATURN conjunction is occasionally
found where there is a wide difference of ages, or where the wife is older than
the husband. It is better with this aspect if the wife's SUN aspects the
husband's SATURN. Um3li, you will probably benefit most from this
relationship, as Fulan will have to make most of the concessions and do most of
the compromising to ensure harmony.

Um3li, you should guard against selfishness, criticism, coldness,
unresponsiveness, putting too much emphasis on discipline and duty or
depreciating the aims of Fulan. Too much pessimism, Um3li, can wear down Fulan's
vitality and optimism. Sometimes Um3li will put too much blame on Fulan for
things that go wrong. Um3li may not be as sympathetic as can be, but is
usually loyal and dependable. If there are many good aspects in the comparison,
this aspect can prove a stabilizing influence, for Um3li's caution can
restrain any reckless tendency in Fulan. But in all cases, Um3li, you need to
cultivate the "light touch" to make your practical and serious viewpoints
acceptable to Fulan.

Um3li is Sun and Fulan is Mars (this aspect is mildly discordant) -- Sun opposite Mars - Power urge opposes aggressive urge. This aspect tends to
produce irritations which prevent your attraction from being entirely
comfortable. Unless there are many harmonious aspects to balance this aspect,
this is a very conflicting aspect. Both of you can stimulate each other, but
rather too much so. You resist each other and cooperation becomes difficult to
achieve. There is likely to be irritation, clashes of temperament and a
tendency to quarrel over objectives. There can be jealousy and rivalry between
you. You will be impatient with each other and maybe even vindictive. Many
harmonious aspects will be needed to offset this stressful one.

Um3li is Sun and Fulan is Moon (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Sun sextile Moon - Creative and power urge blends with the domestic, submissive
urge. The masculine and feminine instincts of both of you combine well. Here
there is harmony of personality, interchange of sympathy, good mental affinity
and mutual understanding. Your personality traits complement each other, yet
are not identical. Each of you possesses something of the other's nature. Fulan
is intuitive and sensitive in reaction to Um3li. Um3li is protective toward Fulan.
This aspect indicates an ability to achieve compatibility and harmony.

Um3li is Sun and Fulan is Pluto (this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Sun conjunct Pluto - Power urge combines with reforming or destroying urge.
There will be a struggle for authority, especially if both of you are strong
willed. Fulan forces change upon Um3li, changes of circumstances, or through
experiences together; even personality changes can occur. Whether these happen
for good or ill depends on other aspects in the comparison. Conflict is
threatened if the two of you are of different generations, for different
generations bring different viewpoints of life.

Fulan can have a hypnotic influence on Um3li which is either good or bad
depending on the comparison as a whole. This aspect is sometimes found when
there is an attraction between individuals of widely different cultures or
educational backgrounds and sometimes between people of different races.

Um3li is Sun and Fulan is Saturn (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Sun sextile Saturn - Power urge harmonizes with the security urge. This aspect
denotes a good balancing of the confidence, enthusiasm, ambition and the
organizing ability and persistence needed to carry out any mutual purposes. It
ensures agreement in handling of problems, allocation of duties, authority and
responsibility. Fulan links stability and loyalty to Um3li. Any limiting or
restraining influence that Fulan might hold on Um3li works mainly for the
ultimate good of both. Um3li encourages and stimulates confidence in Fulan. In
marriage this aspect aids endurability.

Um3li is Uranus and Fulan is Mercury (this aspect is neutral and could go either way) -- Mercury conjunct Uranus - Fulan, Um3li stimulates and awakens your mind and
can give you many ideas. Fulan can learn from this association. Fulan helps
Um3li bring original conceptions down to the level of practical application.
There can also be much intuition between the two of you. This aspect heightens
your enjoyment of each other; especially in the exchange of ideas and
conversation. Um3li also can stimulate Fulan's interests along occult or
spiritual lines.

Um3li is Venus and Fulan is Mars (this aspect is mildly discordant) -- Venus opposite Mars - Fulan's desire nature stimulates Um3li's love nature. This
is a strong aspect of physical attraction between the sexes. There is much
appeal to the emotions. Fulan sometimes tends to be possessive, jealous or
impetuous in this association. Um3li finds Fulan too impatient. Sometimes one of
you will resist or repulse the other or perhaps this attraction is not felt by
both of you. A little too much emotion in this combination can lead to friction
and disputes. Jealousy will often raise its head. Unless many harmonious
aspects balance this aspect, there will be considerable tension or conflict in
love and marriage relationships.

Um3li is Venus and Fulan is Moon (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Moon sextile Venus - Domestic urges harmonize with social urges. This aspect
indicates an emotional attraction born of sympathy, social conviviality, and
mutual tastes and interests. Harmony, sympathy, a spirit of consideration for
each other and helpfulness are stimulated by this aspect. There will be deep
affection and devotion if other aspects show a growing and lasting attachment
to be possible. This aspect is a strong attraction for love and marriage. The
two of you can have a soothing, calming, encouraging effect on each other. You
can benefit each other through service, and often in material or financial
ways. You have many tastes and interests in common which aid companionship and
social enjoyments together. This aspect will do much to mitigate mental or
personality antagonisms between the two of you, if any exist.

Um3li is Venus and Fulan is Saturn (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Venus sextile Saturn - Fulan stabilizes Um3li's emotions. Um3li can raise
Fulan's confidence through sympathy and affection. This aspect encourages
loyalty. In marriage SATURN aspects make marriage binding. Fulan feels much
responsibility for Um3li and is solicitous of Um3li's welfare. This is a good
aspect for building financial stability because Um3li will heed Fulan and both
of you will work together. Fulan feeds on the affections that Um3li has to
offer. This aspect increases loyalty and mutual dependence in love and
marriage. It is an aspect which supports endurability.

Um3li is Venus and Fulan is Sun (this aspect is mildly harmonious) -- Sun sextile Venus - Creative power urge harmonizes with social or love urge.
This aspect indicates an emotional attraction born of sympathy, social
conviviality, and mutual tastes and interests. Here you have a magnetic
attraction. This is an aspect of affection, friendship, companionship,
generosity, devotion, loyalty, unselfishness toward each other, mutual
admiration and encouragement. It is very good for domestic felicity and
fidelity in marriage. You are mutually inspiring and encouraging and
cooperative. The convivial and social interests are usually in agreement, thus
affording enjoyment of the same pleasures.
¤¤¤اعتذر عن عدم الرد على الرسائل الخاصة¤¤¤
قال الشيخ الرئيس بن سينا
دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تبصر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذى *** بأحرفه يظهر المضمر
وتزعمُ أنك جرمٌ صغيرٌ *** وفيكَ إنطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ

نوصي دائما بتطبيق قانون الجذب فدويهات رائعة
ونوصي بقراءة موضوع خلاصة قانون الجذب جواب سؤال مهم
وللأستئناس توقعات ومجربات صادقة بنور روح الحياة
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